Thursday, March 3, 2011

And BOOM goes the dynamite!

What this basically means is what I've repeatedly said in recent years... since 1980, nothing Aubarn has accomplished is legitimate. Even out of sheer generosity, I was willing to give Aubarn the six game win streak over Alabama from 2002-2006, simply because of Alabama's wrong doings in the Logan Young case, despite the 2004 Sociology scandal. But even then, Stanley McClover and David Irons' recent statements have forced me to reconsider my generosity.

You are nothing Aubarn, which is why you have to pay players in order to reign supreme. Why? Because take a look at your town. It's a boring, backwoods cesspool that no player in their early 20s would want to waist four years of their life in, when they have opportunities to live in urban cities where life exists outside of college... unless of course they were paid a hefty amount of money.

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