By now, we've all heard the sappy story concerning the poisoning of the Toomer's Oak tree. We've all mourned. We've all hugged a fellow Aubarn fan. And almost everyone has said, "Why on Earth would a loss in football drive a fan this mad?"
Hold it right there...
As most of the national pundits are saying, this particular Alabama fan (Harvey Updyke) was livid and frustrated over the fact that Aubarn won the national championship and Alabama blew a 24 point lead at home. HOWEVER, Harvey's call to Finebaum stated otherwise. He claimed his motive behind the tree poisoning was "vengeance". For what you ask? Defacing Alabama's Walk of Champions and historical statues (Three Times following the 2010 Iron Bowl as a matter of fact), and vandalizing Nick Saban's house and Bear Bryant's grave on several occasions.
What Harvey did was worse, I admit. But at the end of the day, this was merely a case of "if you slap my cat then I'm going to slay your dog". Aubarn fans started it, and an Alabama fan finished it.
Not to mention the goathumpers of Mayberry U sent death threats to Updyke and his innocent family, forcing them to relocate to Louisiana. In addition, the beating Updyke received at an Opelika gas station after a court hearing. To anyone with more than half a brain, verbally and physically assaulting a human being is ten times worse than poisoning a replaceable tree.

Lesson learned, Aubarn Fans: You reap what you sow.