By now, we've all heard the sappy story concerning the poisoning of the Toomer's Oak tree. We've all mourned. We've all hugged a fellow Aubarn fan. And almost everyone has said, "Why on Earth would a loss in football drive a fan this mad?"
Hold it right there...
As most of the national pundits are saying, this particular Alabama fan (Harvey Updyke) was livid and frustrated over the fact that Aubarn won the national championship and Alabama blew a 24 point lead at home. HOWEVER, Harvey's call to Finebaum stated otherwise. He claimed his motive behind the tree poisoning was "vengeance". For what you ask? Defacing Alabama's Walk of Champions and historical statues (Three Times following the 2010 Iron Bowl as a matter of fact), and vandalizing Nick Saban's house and Bear Bryant's grave on several occasions.
What Harvey did was worse, I admit. But at the end of the day, this was merely a case of "if you slap my cat then I'm going to slay your dog". Aubarn fans started it, and an Alabama fan finished it.
Not to mention the goathumpers of Mayberry U sent death threats to Updyke and his innocent family, forcing them to relocate to Louisiana. In addition, the beating Updyke received at an Opelika gas station after a court hearing. To anyone with more than half a brain, verbally and physically assaulting a human being is ten times worse than poisoning a replaceable tree.
Not to mention the goathumpers of Mayberry U sent death threats to Updyke and his innocent family, forcing them to relocate to Louisiana. In addition, the beating Updyke received at an Opelika gas station after a court hearing. To anyone with more than half a brain, verbally and physically assaulting a human being is ten times worse than poisoning a replaceable tree.

Lesson learned, Aubarn Fans: You reap what you sow.

Grass seed, duct tape and a sticker ... inappropriate but excusable. Bear's grave ... classless and unacceptable. Upchuck killing trees ... classless and unacceptable. This blog is nothing more than an attempt to justify Upchuck's actions and encite hate. It has also unnecessarily wasted 30 seconds of my day.
Actually, no it's not. I don't condone of Updyke's behavior, nor do I take pleasure in referring to him as an "Alabama fan". However, I'm also fed up with AU fans blaming the Alabama fanbase as a whole when our fanbase started a charity and has raised nearly $50k dollars for it. When I tried to take sides with AU on this one, I was verbally slaughtered simply because I was an Alabama fan.
I apologize if you have misinterpreted my point, but after the reception I received, I will NEVER take sides with AU on anything again.
College kids pull dumb pranks, sometimes in poor taste. But classifying someone based upon their Alma Mater is not just dumb, it's ignorant. And you're a Bama grad is that correct?
You're actually going to call those practical jokes "defacing"? You and fans like you have such bloated delusions of granduer! You are just one of those mullet a-holes who have gone around saying how unacceptable Updykes actions were, while privately wearing a shit eating grin! I know you all worship at the Bahr statue, but it is NOT holy ground. There was no destruction of property done to the mullet-heads religious icons, while one of your cult members poisoned 2 live oaks over 130 years old, which are a part of the Auburn tradition. Why don't you try a little honesty and just admit that you approve of what he did, instead of going to such ridiculous lengths to try and justify it. UA fans have no class, and have lost touch with all reality!
Firstly, you're a fan of the biggest redneck college in America, yet you're calling me a 'mullet'? Irony is a not a river that flows in Egypt...
Secondly, your post further proves my point. UA fans are currently raising money for a tree that you "classy" Wire Road incests have been murdering for years, and we have even planted a tree ON OUR CAMPUS in honor of the dying tree that you guys take pride in rolling following the death of an Alabama coach or an Alabama loss (to a completely different team). Would you guys ever have done such a thing? Absolutely not! Again, irony is not a river that flows in Egypt.
If SOME of your inferior sub-humans down in Mayberry had not decided to play the "BIG BRUDDER LOOK AT ME" role by DEFACING our campus, the tree you guys take pleasure in murdering would still be there today.
And defacement is another term for vandalism.
Killing the grass along the Walk of Champions is vandalism.
Rolling trees in Nick Saban's yard is vandalism.
Placing Aubarn garbage on Bear Bryant's headstone is vandalism.
Placing Aubarn garbage on Bear Bryant's statue is vandalism.
Say what you please about me, but again, I don't condone of Updyke's behavior. But in the same sense, I'm not donating a thing to any Toomer's Corner charity either. I learned my lesson (thanks to the Aubarn fans such as yourself and over at ITAT), and unless it endangers human lives, I'll never rush to the aid of any of you guys ever again.
To tell you the absolute truth, I wasn't offended in the slightest after seeing the above photos. I just seen it as rival razz. What irked me was when I made the mistake of posting my sincere apologies on an Aubarn forum, after the tree was allegedly poisoned, and was slaughtered for it. And after reading what AU fans had to say following that and what the national media is saying, that prompted me to say what I said, "You guys started it and an Alabama fan finished it". The truth does indeed hurt as much as you hate to admit it.
As an avid fan of The University of Alabama and a fellow alumni (c/o 2002), I've really enjoyed reading this blog for the most part; however, I'm going to have to agree with Alabama and Auburn fans who've commented on this blog. I believe you are merely attempting to justify Updyke's actions.
What the anonymous Auburn fans did was wrong. What Updyke did was pure unmitigated evil and his actions are unjustifiable. I, for one, refuse to defend him and I also refuse to associate him with The University of Alabama. I encourage you to do the same.
To all of the Auburn lurkers, you do have an inordinate amount of Alabama fans currently standing by you during this untimely tragedy. There are thousands of us have lives outside of the football realm and we can see past a silly game.
If you shove a guy long enough, eventually he's going to clock you right in the fact, which is exactly what Updyke did. But you Awbun fans are too delusional to admit that. You did nothing wrong as is always the case with you idiots...
I'm with you on this one Florida... Never will I side with the backwoods cow college under any circumstances known to mankind. I refuse to support a university whose fans constantly attempt to destroy The U of A... I'll never support a university whose fans started a rumor claiming Brodie Croyle was killed in a hunting accident... I'll never support a university who constantly stirs up false rumors in attempt to destroy the U of A... I'll never support a university whose ADULT fans harasses and stalks 18-22 year old kids (as in the bogus operation red dog case)... I'll never support a university whose fans ON A LIVE BASKETBALL BROADCAST refers to our players as "monkeys" and "the infamous N word"...
As a proud black man, I've never been as verbally abused as I have the two times I've visited that punchline of a town known as Auburn. After everything your fans have done to me and my university, you expect me to support you throughout this? You all can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. And I hope your tree dies. It's better to kill it now than letting it continue to suffer by having you morons asphyxiate it with such a toilet paper. So, yes, I'm glad your trees are dead. I truly hope your trailer parks, cow pastures and chicken houses are next. Call me "classless" and I'll call you a bigger hypocrite than a politician. If you had to endure what I endured by stepping foot on your racist, backwoods campus, you'll share my same feelings toward that dump known as Awbun.
Defacing a headstone is far worse than killing a tree you fucking imbecile. I wish I knew who you were because then I'd research your closest deceased relative and literally unleash my bowels on his or her's headstone. We'll see what impacts you the most: a person's grave or a tree that AUtards have proven endlessly they care nothing about.
I can't wait to wipe my ass with the Toomer's Oak tree toilet paper and subsequently beautify that one horse cesspool known as Opelika by spreading that used toilet paper all across that measly little town. Fuck all of you Wire Road goat fuckers with three porn star cocks.
you people (bama and auburn fans alike) are exactly why I want to put this rivalry to bed.
As a non-Alabamian, the classification a person based upon an affiliation with a University makes you look like a bunch of ignorant rednecks. The first comment to this blog seems to sum things up succinctly. Most of the other comments are the garbage that Updyke bought into. Grow up Alabama. Damn.
I disagree with the prior comment, only "some" of the prior posts represented ignorant, stereotypical rants. Several were classy and respectful. Regardless, the "eye for an eye" propagana from this blogger can only fall into two categories: 1)Comical; or 2)Ignorant. When I first read it a week or so ago, I assumed the best and chose not to commment. But seeing his responses, the veil has been lifted. Like there are not hundreds of similar pictures of Bama fans disrespecting Auburn? How about National Hate Auburn Week? etc., etc. Drawing attention to that crap on either side only legitimizes it and defines the State of Alabama. After following this story on-line for a week, I could easily write a treatise on the ignorant hate espoused by followers of both institutions. Ironically though, the most hateful comments I saw BY FAR were made by Bama alumni against other Bama supporters for contributing to Tide for Toomers. Yes, alumni not just the Updykes. But do I hold this against the University or the other 99% of Bama supporters that are were not disseminating hate? Hell No! That would be stereotyping which the last time I checked constituted ignorance. Grow up and quit acting like a bunch of idiots.
And lastly, how the hell do you know Auburn fans were involved in any of the alleged pranks. There is a strong Georgia contingency that I am sure enjoyed the 28-27 Iron Bowl. What a great way to embarrass both rivals !!!
Repost: true that "most" posts were not disrespectful. Violated my own complaint! :). You also raise a good point. While an undergrad, my friends and I often committed pranks and steered the investigation elsewhere. One of the best was stealing/borrowing another fraternity's coach one night and putting on the front porch of the SAE house. God, we thought we were so clever, but we were just a bunch of college knuckleheads.
Couch, not coach.
One of the most outrageous things in this terrible situation is that Updyke is a 62 year old man who should be teaching young people the value of sportsmanship...I can more readily forgive young, immature college kids for silly, harmless pranks than a grown man killing a valued possession of the Auburn family. It's unbelievable anyone is justifying his actions. Let's get real.
you bammers are nothing but trash. nothing less is expected of you and this stupid wanna be blog.
This guy and the entire bama nation's all fags.
What a waste of precious time. So taping a shirt to a statue is equal to killing a 130 yr old tree? Get real dude.
Idiots like you and Harvey are the reason people look down upon my alma mater's fanbase. Stop embarrassing us and just change your allegiance to Florida, Florida State, or more appropriately, Miami.
Wow. 1st of all, I really don't see how you people think the biggest insult to us is to call Auburn a "cow college". Don't you like to go to a nice restaurant and eat a big steak? Don't you eat burgers? Cheese? Ice cream? Milk? Butter? And do you think all that shit just appears magically out of the sky? HELLO, if you like ANY of the aforementioned items, then you better hope there is a "cow college" out there.
And "Bama fan from NYC", if you are going to make things up, at least make it sound realistic, or like you know ANYthing of what you are talking about.
I believe in AUBURN, and LOVE it. NO ONE will EVER take my Auburn Pride away from me, born here, raised here, you can kill our trees, make fun of us, create lies, do what you will, but you will NOT sway our beliefs. You can bet your ass on that.
PS-If you had actually done any REAL research on the photo of the guy "defacing Bear Bryant's headstone" you'd see that he was not even defacing it at all. If you knew any history, you'd know that Bear Bryant and Pat Dye were actually friends, and this man was placing a picture of Pat Dye just under a little bit of dirt next to Bear's headstone. The real caption for that picture reads, "a lifelong goal of uniting the great bear bryant and pat dye for eternity at elmwood cemetary in birmingham alabama. shot by j. campbell"--That is straight from his Flickr page where this picture was posted.
So AGAIN, quit trying to make things up about Auburn when you so clearly are grasping at straws.
TYPICAL AUBARN SPIN to the guy above me!!!
Do your research and stop attempting to make your fans seem innocent. The headstone pic sequence was taken from ITAT and obviously clipped together by Florida. One of their fans defaced his grave a few months ago and bragged about it online.
Are you familiar with ITAT? They're the people who spend most of their lives attempting to destroy Alabama. Ya know, spreading lies about Alabama players dying AND stalking Alabama recruits and their families? They're the fans who constantly vandalize UA and Tuscaloosa's wikipedia pages. They're the people who traveled to the UA players' hotel on the eve of the 2009 Iron Bowl and caused a hubbub, waking the players up. They're the fans who always make fun of Bear Bryant for being dead, which is why I could care less about your dead tree. Your fans deserve it... especially knowing you embarrassed yourselves on a live basketball broadcast by calling our coach and players monkeys and n*ggers. Again, your fans deserve it.
Stop attempting to make your fans seem innocent when they're the reason your tree was killed by an Alabama fan in the first place.
It was your fans who proudly claimed they defaced his headstone in the above photographs on a popular AU message forum. Then, y'all bragged about vandalizing our statues and Nick Saban's house, now you want to call us classless and dirty for one-upping the retaliation after y'all antagonized us for weeks? In recent years, we've set back and took every bit of an Awburn fan's nonsense, from seeing your classy fans repeatedly make fun of Bear Bryant for being dead through wardrobe, signs, and internet chatter; we set back and endured all of your classless nonsense throughout your bogus 6 game win streak (which didn't count because Stanley McClover was paid and the Sociology controversy); since Saban was hired, you guys conjured up a plot to bring Alabama down by spreading lies about Alabama recruits and coaches; now one fed up Alabama fan finally struck back and we're bad people for justifying his actions after y'all make it sound like he had not motive other than just being a "typical Alabama fan"? This is exactly why I pity you little inferior Awbun fans.
I'd like to ask all of you barn trolls one simple question:
You all have threatened the life of Updyke and his family, along with Scott Moore and his family as well. What makes you guys any better than Harvey Updyke? Even setting all the other material FB posted on this blog. How are you guys any better than Updyke? For crying out loud, all Scott Moore did was threaten to play the Newton tapes, yet you guys threatened he and his family? Wow!
If someone could please elaborate, I'd definitely love to hear it.
I'd like to ask all of you barn trolls one simple question:
You all have threatened the life of Updyke and his family, along with Scott Moore and his family as well. What makes you guys any better than Harvey Updyke? Even setting all the other material FB posted on this blog aside, how are you guys any better than Updyke? For crying out loud, all Scott Moore did was threaten to play the Newton tapes on a radio show, yet you guys threatened he and his family? Wow!
If someone could please elaborate, I'd definitely love to hear it.
Floridan Blogger, first off I'm a bit confused by the fact that your an Alabama fan but go by the name Floridan blogger and have a picture of Florida on your homepage. None the less. You are a typical redneck bammer in posting this pathetic waste of a time message. It is painfully clear as to why this site is an unknown clutter of worthless thoughts as opposed to a credible source by someone who makes a career out of this (this is a hobby, right?) Anyways, you are the epitome of the classless turds and I find it very amusing you think Auburn "started the fight" and Alabama "finished it". Here's the difference between these two schools: Alabama loves Alabama football. Auburn loves Auburn. O, and they also managed to beat you 28-27 in a football game you fans apparently take a bit too seriously. Let's not say it started when the bear called Auburn cow college or when he said he would never allow Alabama to play a game in Auburn or when the "classy" University played "Son of a preacher" and "take the money and run" when Cam Newton warmed up. Surely it started with a harmless T-shirt placed on the statue of a the bear and grass you can replace. That's quite a rational from a one sided complex mind of a bammer. This is what happens when all you have to live for is a football game and a dead drunk. For Auburn fans, it appears their love for the football team only makes up 28-27% of their over all love for their University.
That's by far the most hypocritical statement I've ever heard. If you guys loved *ubarn so much, you'd spend less time centering your thoughts about what's going on at THE University of Alabama and focusing more on *ubarn. Have you even seen your own Athletic Department? Dear God, there's more anti-Alabama on display than there is *ubarn!
We see just how much you support that measly little backwoods cow college by how your basketball attendance figures are the worst in the SEC, and the fact that you can't even sell out a home game unless you're playing... ALABAMA! You say it's because you love your "university"? Well, wouldn't one want to support its athletics as well? Hell, your alumni membership numbers over the past few years pales in comparisons to UA. But I thought only you guys love the cow college?
Alabama fans worry about Alabama. *ubarn fans worry about *ubarn and that's a fact.
And you're calling Alabama fans rednecks, yet you claim to proudly support the biggest redneck college in America... A college that houses its students in trailer parks... A college that sponsors rodeos for its backwoods students (speaking of which, did you attend *ubarn's rodeo last weekend?)! A college that's only nationally known for its virulent racism (KKK Halloween parties, *ubarn fans at the Klan rally in Oxford, MS, former employees filing racial discrimination, coaches referring to Eric Ramsey as the infamous N word, etc. etc.)... By the way, a special thanks to your inbred, mullet fans for providing me with the laugh of a lifetime after seeing them pose for pictures with that illegitimate national title Lowder and Dye bought for you guys.
It's evident by your post that you only care about football. Why? Because all you talked about was your one point victory over Alabama last year. I could care less and you know why? Because whether you cheat to win at sports or not, UA is ten times greater than your pissant little cow college and T-Town is far greater than your backwoods, podunk, Mayberry-esque town and all of its redneck, racist inhabitants.
Again, you're talking about how classy you guys are... perhaps you should re-examine your post and examine the pictures FB posted above. That's the complete opposite of class. And as far as your dead tree is concerned, sure taping a shirt to a statue is only minor compared to this, but let me ask you this: if a personal adversary came into your front yard and burnt a gigantic score into your lawn, you'd retaliate by doing something along the lines of killing a tree in their yard. That's a barner mindset for you. By the way, if you cared for that tree so much, you would refrain from participating in one of the most redneck, juvenile traditions: throwing toilet paper at it. But hey, it's a football tradition!
As I said, you're a hypocrite. Vandalism is vandalism. You vandalized our property four times (read the recent vandalism to the Saban statue area). You vandalized Nick Saban's house. An Alabama fan killed your tree and you guys threatened to kill him and his family. Amazing, isn't it? Or is it okay to threaten to kill a man and his family? I've yet to figure out how barner logic works.
So, go back to ITAT and chat about Alabama football with the rest of your rodeo-worshiping, Wire Road incestuous sheep humpers. Alabama football is what you backwoods, *ubarn inbreds live for, more so than Alabama fans do.
there is a difference between vandalism and a pranks. screw all you Alabama fans who support Updyke and this type of behavior, but thank you to those of you who don't. it is ok to pull a few pranks that can be easily fixed, but this is just too far.
War Eagle
Wow! I believe that’s the biggest load of BS I’ve ever been fed by an AUtard. In fact, I believe that’s the biggest copout I’ve ever heard. I’ve heard some pretty ludicrous words come from a Barners mouth, but that literally takes the cake!
If you were sincere about loving Aubarn* more than football, then your fans WOULD NOT have ran off its most successful coach in modern history, all because he lost ONE GAME TO ALABAMA AFTER BEATING THEM SIX STRAIGHT YEARS! Seriously, you guys fired Tuberville FOR ONE BAD SEASON! Has any school ever done this before? Allow me to reinerate: you guys fired Tuberville for one bad season after 7 straight wondrous seasons.
If you were sincere about what you said, then your head coach would not have to beg you guys to come out and support your program.
If you were sincere about what you said, then your fans WOULD NOT have sent in their diplomas and canceled their season tickets all because you disapproved of Chizik’s (THE FOOTBALL COACH) hiring. In other words, you turned your back on your very own university because you were displeased with the hiring.
If you were sincere about what you said, your basketball attendance would be through the roof. Instead, it’s the worst in the SEC.
If you were sincere, then football would be your university’s number 1 money maker.
If you were sincere about what you said, then why is it that all your fans talk about is AUBARN* FOOTBALL? Shouldn’t they talk more about the University?
If you were sincere about what you said, then your fans WOULD NOT have trashed Jay Jacobs for hiring coach 5-19. If you truly, you would’ve welcomed him into the incestuous family with open arms. I honestly felt bad for the guy. Even during Les Miles’ lowest point in his career, he still didn’t receive a fraction of the thrashing from LSU fans as AUtards unleashed upon 5-19.
If you truly supported your university, why is it you guys were calling for Cheez-it’s firing after the narrow win over Mississippi State last year? Why did it take midway through the season for you to actually believe in him? If you cared more about your university, you’d support him from through the thick and the thin.
If you were sincere about what you said, why did you guys go into complete meltdown mode after Cheez-it lost to Kentucky in 2009?
If you were sincere about what you said, why do you guys cheat endlessly at all costs in football?
If you were sincere about what you said, why did you guys vandalize Alabama’s football monuments, Bear Bryant’s grave and Nick Saban’s house?
Mark my words, if Gene Cheez-it loses to Alabama next year, you guys will be frying his seat. If he loses to Alabama two years in a row, you guys will form a riot in Lee County and he won’t make it after that.
If you truly supported your university, you’d spend less time trying to destroy Alabama’s football program, and more time trying to better your own university. If you care nothing about football, why is it all you guys ever do is conjure up ways to destroy UA’s football program so that your backwoods program can be number 1?
If you truly supported your university, you would not allow two of the most corrupt men to ever step foot on your campus (Bobby Lowder and Pat Dye) let alone run it.
And please refrain from using your “I’m a victim” sappy nonsense. Your tree is supposedly dying because you guys killed it by endlessly antagonizing Alabama fans. You can’t admit that consistently vandalizing UA’s property was wrong. Who cares if what Updyke did was “worse”? That doesn’t change the fact that new grass had to be replanted along the Walk of Champions. If I duct-taped an Alabama shirt to the AUbarn* University sign in front of Samford Hall, you guys would be contacting CNN acting as if a meteor hit your campus because that’s what you inferior sub-humans do.
You’re simply an arrogant POS. What do you have to be arrogant about is beyond me. You’re the third-best university in your own state and you rival Troy, AL for being the most boring and backwoods college town in the state. Little man’s syndrome must truly suck. Then again, I’d be miserable if I was forced to endure four years of that lame, backwoods prison as well.
But most AUtards come from nothing, which is why they worship nothing (aka AUbarn, AL) because they have nothing else in their lives to live for.
I don’t expect a retaliation out of you because you just got OWNED! Speechless, huh?
So the classy *ubarn fan base threatens to kill Harvey and his family, then they physically assault him days after at a gas station? I'd hate to know what you inbreds would do to a guy that killed one of your sheep.
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