For those of you who have been personally attacking me by calling up my businesses threatening me and my fellow employees, if you inbreds with your incoherent southern drawls have something to say to me, say it to my face and not over the phone line. It can be arranged.
If you don't like what I have to write, deal with it, and furthermore, stop giving people material to write about, you delusional sheep-humping rednecks. Tim Brando said it best when he said you guys were the worst fanbase in the country simply because you carry the biggest chip on your shoulder. Now I'm actually starting to believe him.
I'll gladly stop by your trailer park on Wire Road and have a one on one discussion while I'm en route to T-Town... a city that puts your little backwoods wannabe town to shame.
You guys are literally an embarrassment to humanity and my advice to you all is to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. You'd be doing the world a huge favor.
This is not Bleacher Report, nor is it Yahoo or Fox Sports. This is merely a blogspace created by an average Joe. Knowing that, I'd hate to know what you guys must've said and did to Thayer Evans.
Like I said, stop calling my businesses and if you want to speak to me, we can do this face to face. Otherwise, go back to your double-wides and fry a possum. If you want to troll this site, that's fine. But don't attack me personally unless you have a way to back it up.
Stop being a fag and we'll stop attacking you jackass.
You literally spat in our faces and celebrated having one of your inbred fans poison our tree yet you think there wouldn't be any repercussions? Typical bammer fan.
Who the hell cares about some trees that Auburn fans deface after every win? Plus Auburn rolled the Corner when Bear died. A human being passes and Auburn celebrates?
Quit trying to avoid the inevitable. The end is near....tick tock bitches. And on a lighter note, you feeble attempts at repercussions will not get you far. The national media is bringing the hammer down and the only one getting hurt is the BIG AU!
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